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Public awareness about the Smoking Dangers

Currently smoking is a cause of death in one of ten adults worldwide. This condition tends to increase. If not immediately prevented, in the year 2003 smoking is estimated to cause approximately 10 million deaths per year. Seeing the high number of deaths from smoking cigarettes may be a cause of death was highest compared with other diseases.
The remark was made Minister of Health and Social Welfare (Menkes and Kessos) dr. Achmad Sujudi, on the sidelines of the commemoration of World No Tobacco Day in 2001, which falls on every 31 May.

Emphasized, this global issue also hit Indonesia. In fact, cigarette consumption in Indonesia grew fastest in the world, where the cause is a beginner smoker. Approximately 44% of smokers started at age 10-19 years, and 37% between 20-29 years of age.
Health risks like that was still not enough. The threat of smoking on health did not stop until the smoker alone but is much broader, namely to others who do not smoke, like children, even in newborns.
Given the enormous impact of cigarettes, especially on passive prokok, Minister of Health and Kessos invites everyone to give special attention and truly on the efforts to create a healthy and clean air without cigarette smoke. This is in line with the theme that in a welcoming WHO No Tobacco Day 2001 "Second-Hand Smoke, Let's Clear The Air," which means "Keep the Air Clean and Healthy, Protect the Non Smokers'
Touched on Government Regulation No. 81/99 which was then amended by Government Regulation No. 38/2000 on cigarettes for health protection, said Minister of Health and Kessos, PP clearly states the people have the opportunity to participate in the broadest effort to create a region without a cigarette in public places, workplaces and public transport.
For those who are providing special places for smoking, are also required to provide air penghhisap. This activity is expected to be spearheaded by all health institutions, educational institutions, places where it takes place ibadahdan other public places, such as public transportation, restaurants, malls, government offices and many others.
However, it appears that the Government Regulation No. 38/2000 has not been ignored by society, there are even some of the less memperdulikannya. This is not apart from the lack of legal tools by firmly implementing the regulation issued by the government. This situation is exacerbated by low awareness about the dangers of smoking masayarakt for health.
On the day of World No Tobacco Day 2001 Minister of Health also gave awards to individuals and institutions that have demonstrated high commitment and persistent efforts continuously to protect the public from the risks of cigarettes. Individual awards this year are given to Mrs Rennie Singgih from LM3 and Masino MSD Foundation, Heart Foundation of Indonesia. As for the institution given to the NGO Indonesian Women Without Tobacco (Witt).
"For all the efforts that have been conducted so far provide optimal long-term impact, it is necessary to establish a network of cooperation among the award recipients as well as with other cross-sectoral levels," said Sujudi.


  1. @john:
    I strongly agree with you,,, but in my country it is very difficult, because in my country cigarette factory is one of the largest contributors of foreign exchange


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