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Information Diabetes Mellitus / Diabetes / Blood Sugar Disease - Definition, Definition, Prevention, Care, Help, etc.

Diabetes mellitus is a medical disorder where a person's blood sugar levels are high because the sugar in the blood can not be used by the body. Diabetes Mellitus / DM disease also known as blood sugar or diabetes who have a lot of jumpah patients in Indonesia, also in the whole world.

In healthy people eat carbohydrates in food that will be changed into glokosa that will be distributed to all body cells to become energy with the help of insulin. In people who suffer from diabetes, glucose entry into cells is difficult because little or no insulin in the body substances. Result in blood glucose levels can be high which will give negative side effects or adverse.

High sugar content will be removed through the urine. Thus, diabetic urine will contain sugar so often dilebung or surrounded by ants. Furthermore, the person will lack the energy / energy, tiredness, lethargy, easy to thirsty and hungry, often asleep, frequent urination, itching, and so forth. Content or diabetic glucose levels during fasting is more than 126 mg / dl and when not fasting or normal more than 200 mg / dl. In normal people the sugar content ranges from 60-120 mg / dl.

Which would be caused by disease of blood sugar disease are the eye vision problems, cataracts, heart disease, kidney disease, sexual impotence, difficult to heal wounds and rot / gangrene, lung infections, vascular disorders, strokes and so forth. Not uncommon for patients with severe limb amputation due to decomposition. Therefore strongly advised to do a serious treatment for patients and to implement / lead a healthy lifestyle and good for the healthy and those already sick.

There are two types of diabetes mellitus, type 1 diabetes is where the body lacks insulin or phrase Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) and type 2 diabetes mellitus in which the hormone insulin in the body can not function properly or a term of Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM ).

Diabetes is not 100% disease derivatives. Diabetes can melistus disebakan history and descent caused by a bad lifestyle. Each person can get diabetes both young and old. Alert for those of you who have parents who are people with diabetes, because you will also have blood sugar talent if not running a good lifestyle.

The risk of developing diabetes can be reduced by setting a healthy diet, diligent exercise, enough sleep, avoiding cigarettes mirasantika and others. For those of you who have been hit with diabetes should exercise every morning, eat a nutritious diet low in carbohydrates and fat but high in protein, vitamins and minerals. Expand to eat vegetables and other high fiber foods. Diligent, industrious check your blood sugars and injecting insulin into the body and take medicine if necessary according to the instructions your doctor regularly. That way you can avoid the risk of more severe effects.


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