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Definition, Definitions and Modes of Transmission / Distribution of HIV-AIDS Virus - Info / Information Sexually Transmitted Diseases / STD

A. HIV Virus

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus which causes AIDS by attacking white blood cells called CD4 cells that can damage the human immune system which can not ultimately survive the disease, although a very mild though.

The virus HIV attacks CD4 cells and turn it into a breeding ground of new HIV viruses and then ruin it, so can not be used again. White blood cells is necessary for the immune system. Without the immune system when attacked by diseases, then we do not have body guards. The impact is that we can be exposed to colds usually dies.


AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, which is the impact or effect the propagation of the hiv virus in the bodies of living things. HIV virus needs time to cause the syndrome of AIDS is deadly and very dangerous. AIDS disease is caused by the weakening or disappearance of the immune system that had been owned since CD4 cells are white blood cells in many destroyed by the HIV virus.

When we are exposed to the HIV virus we are not directly affected by AIDS. AIDS needed to be a long time, ie several years to become the deadly AIDS. A person can become HIV positive. Currently there are no drugs, serum or vaccine that can cure people of HIV virus causes AIDS.

C. Methods / Techniques of Transmission and Distribution of HIV-AIDS Virus
- Blood
Example: blood transfusion, infected hiv + blood on the wounded skin, skin exposed to the menstrual blood of the wounded, syringes, etc.
- Fluids of Semen, Semen, Sperm and cum Men
Example: Male intercourse without a condom or other security, oral sex, etc..
- Fluid in Women's Vagina
Example: The woman sexually without security, lending and borrowing sex aids, oral sex, etc..
- Mother's Milk / milk
Example: Baby drinking ation of hiv + woman, man drinking milk asi spouses, and others.

Body fluids that contain no HIV virus in patients with HIV +:
- The saliva / spit / saliva
- Feces / dirt / Tokai / chapters / feces
- Tears
- Water sweat
- Water art / urine / water pee / urine / urine

Do not squeeze out and away from people with HIV because they need help and support in order to continue to live and die without much expense to Rahmatullah with sincerity.


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